Other products like Brightmail Message Filter, the spam and malware software, are also licensed by the number of users accessing the software or being protected by the software.
#Symantec enterprise vault appliance license#
So, you’ll need a license for each protected mailbox, excluding inactive mailboxes, system/group mailboxes, or users with multiple mailboxes. In this case, the definition of ‘Users’ actually refers to ‘Active Users’ within an enterprise, i.e., users that are actively creating data archived with the software. Enterprise Vault’s end user license agreement (EULA) does not contain any further guidance beyond Symantec’s boilerplate definition of user. With that in mind, let’s consider Enterprise Vault, the Symantec mail and content archiving product. As a general rule of thumb with any publisher, it is better to focus on the purpose and function of a product, including caveats and exceptions, rather than the branded license type when trying to understand the best model to use for license management. This guide will attempt to explain the Symantec types in the larger context of software licensing across publishers. What Symantec formally calls a user, even if only in packaging, sometimes more accurately refers to a device or instance. Symantec makes widespread use of the ‘user’ license type, but in some cases it may not actually stand up to scrutiny as a proper user license. Let’s start with one of the most common license types that may also be a significant source of confusion for entitlement managers: Symantec’s per user licensing. It is, however, the aim of this overview to provide a useful foundation for building a deeper understanding of Symantec’s offerings and how licensing decisions will impact your bottom line. In fact, there are many nuances, exceptions, and one-offs that come into play when discussing Symantec licensing that we won’t address. We won’t be able to dive deeply into many of those product-specific use rights here. However, rather than focus on the product groupings, or families, for the purposes of this quick guide we will to stick to the most important building blocks: the general license types, the purchase programs, and the maintenance and support offerings. From an entitlement perspective, Symantec offers a number of product use rights that vary from product to product, or even specific versions of products. Many of the acquired products have been bundled or otherwise integrated into Symantec’s major product lines over the years, and this process is ongoing. While managing licenses for most major vendors is challenging, managing license entitlements for Symantec poses a particular set of unique challenges due to the vast array of products from their acquisitions.